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低于100℃制备含有ZSO柔性Perovskite Solar Cells

        Shin 等报道了一种在低温下制备高分散Zn2SnO4(ZSO) 纳米颗粒的方法,这种纳米颗粒可以用来开发高效柔性的太阳能电池器件。ZSO 纳米颗粒可以在整个可见光范围内有效的提升柔性基体PEN/ITO 的透过率(从75% 提升到90% )。基于ZSO 和CH3NH3PbI3电池的效率达到14.85% 。这一结果证明ZSO 是一种有潜力的用于制备高效柔性太阳能电池的电子传输材料。

        Synthesis of ZSO NPs:

        All chemicals for the preparation of NPs were of regent grade and were used without further purification. ZnCl2 (12.8 mmol) and SnCl4*5H2O (6.4 mmol) were dissolved in deionized water (160 ml) under vigorous magnetic stirring. N2H4*H2O (N2H4 molar ratio/Zn¼4/1, 8/1, 24/1) was then added to the reaction solution. White precipitates formed immediately, and this solution, including the precipitate, was heated on a hot plate at 90℃ for 12 h. The obtained products were thoroughly washed with deionized water and ethanol and were then dispersed in 2-methoxy ethanol, resulting in a colloidal solution.



High-performance flexible perovskite solar cells exploiting Zn2SnO4 prepared in solution below 100 ℃

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms8410


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Synthesis of ZSO NPs. All chemicals for the preparation of NPs were of regent
grade and were used without further purification. ZnCl2 (12.8 mmol, Aldrich) and
SnCl4  5H2O (6.4 mmol, Aldrich) were dissolved in deionized water (160 ml) under
vigorous magnetic stirring. N2H4 H2O (N2H4 molar ratio/Zn¼4/1, 8/1, 24/1) was
then added to the reaction solution. White precipitates formed immediately, and
this solution, including the precipitate, was heated on a hot plate at 90 C for 12 h.
The obtained products were thoroughly washed with deionized water and ethanol
and were then dispersed in 2-methoxy ethanol, resulting in a colloidal solution.

上一篇: 艾可拓研发改进建议 下一篇: “一分钟充满电”的超级铝电池

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